Parents as Teachers

Welcome to Newburg Parents as Teachers Program


Our Mission: The mission of the Newburg Parents as Teachers Program is to provide the information, support, and encouragement that parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years.

Welcome to Parents as Teachers!

Participation in this program demonstrates you have an avid interest in your child’s development. Here is what you can expect:

  • We will inform you of what you can reasonably expect of your child at each stage of development.
  • We will help you be a good observer of your child.
  • We will help you have fun playing with your child and show you age appropriate activities and materials.
  • We will help you be your child’s best teacher!

As a parent, you play many roles in the life of your child. Three roles that parents fill that will help children grow and develop are:

  • Designer: you provide play materials and experiences that promote your child’s natural curiosity and problem solving.
  • Consultant: you help your child learn about his world and how it works while encouraging his independence.
  • Authority: you set boundaries for your child’s behavior that are appropriate for his age and developmental level, and you help others know your child’s unique characteristics and needs.


If you would like more information about signing up or have questions regarding your current PAT services, please contact your local Parents as Teachers Educator, Angela Mercer, at 573-762-9563 ext. 2701 or